Monday, December 13, 2010

Extreme Stress on Female Reporters Leads to Unnecessary Plastic Surgery.

The Stress on females in the news industry to look good can sometimes lead to bad outcomes. One report was of a 27 year old getting plastic surgery to remove the bags underneath her eyes because a viewer complained that she looked tired.

A lot of already attractive women in the news feel like they have to get plastic surgery to look younger, for fear that they will loose their job. However, plastic surgery can go wrong easily and can end up having harmful side effects to the body and these female's careers. A good example of this is L.A. reporter Mia Lee who had an extreme amount of plastic surgery done (including a face lift, breast implants, and lip implants) and has now disappeared from the media entirely. The picture on the right of Mia Lee is a good example of what can go wrong with lip implants.

For more info about this follow the link below


Fox News Anchors Show Skin for Ratings

The women of Fox News have been showing off their legs to raise ratings.

This is because of pressures from their supervisors during sweeps in an attempt to raise ratings so the station can charge more for advertising. Female news anchors should not be asked to make their appearance more sexual because it objectifies them and undermines the validity of the news they are reading.

To learn more about this and to view more examples of Fox News using women's bodies to make money follow the link below.